I stumbled upon this blog, it's called 'Born This Way.' In the blog's own words, its goal is to provide "A photo/essay project for gay adults (male and female) to submit pictures from their childhood (roughly ages 2 to 12) - with snapshots that capture them, innocently, showing the beginnings of their innate LGBT selves. It's OUR nature, our TRUTH!"
Personally, I am surprised that I have not come across something like this sooner. It's an interesting blog. While it is presented in a lighthearted manner, the objective couldn't be more serious. The author decided to start this blog to counter the right-wing rhetoric that propelled Proposition 8 to success. I challenge any LGBT person who has unaccepting and bigoted relatives to show them this website along with a photograph of himself or herself as a queer child.
Oh, and in case you are wondering, the picture above my post is of me with a childhood friend circa '97 or '98...at a Spice Girls concert. Born this way, baby!