The folks at "Debaptized" explain that defection is the next logical step after initially rejection your religion and its tenets.
For all the people who have been victimized, scapegoated, prejudged or generally turned-off by the Roman Catholic Church, there is a site based in Ireland that makes formally defecting easier, "Count Me Out."
According to the Catechism, one must make a formal declaration of defection in order to cut ties with the church. The person seeking to defect must sent a declaration of intent to the diocese they are currently registered (however, the Catechism does point out that your soul is permanently and eternally Catholic-whatever!). Once sent the Church will make the note of defection in their records. Basically, a formal declaration of defection is the most public act a person can do to distance themselves from the Church (other than mockingly hang on a cross in front of millions of spectators.)
There is a point in formally defecting. It truly doesn't matter if a person has proclaimed their disbelief or has not set foot in a church again, the Church still counts you as one of the 1.2 billion faithful. It is only logical to formally leave the institution if a person is truly appalled at the history, beliefs, or criminal actions of the Church, yet is still formally counted as a full member in Church records. Formally defecting also provides a final emotional sense of closure for those who want it, not to mention it makes things simpler if you have chosen a different spiritual path.
This should not be a quick decision. One thing to keep in mind that when a person formally defects, he or she is no longer welcome to take communion. It may also cause complications concerning other sacraments, such as the ability to have a Catholic Marriage, as well as end-of-life choices like the option of being buried in a Catholic cemetery. Nevertheless, these should mostly be non-issues for people who truly do not want to be formally considered Catholic.
In today's world people should look at their beliefs honestly and decide for themselves if they still line up with these ancient cultural belief systems. Given the history of these groups people owe it to others and themselves.
Here is the pdf Declaration of Defection.